"Frog color will come from the western sky"
oil on canvas, 730 x 910 mm
Masae ITO
It's impossible to perfectly share our views or scenery in our mind. We accept it as an obvious fact without a clear notion in our everyday life. When, for instance, you try to describe how beautiful the sunset you saw yesterday was, neither photographs, which put what you see in a frame, nor passages, which encourage your imagination, couldn't make it. Works of these four artists remind us that painting again challenges the divisional boundary between individuals.
Masae Ito showed a new aspect of her talent with more representational paintings than ever before with vivid colors and lively strokes. Modeled on herself or her close friends, she painted frightful faces as if they were chased by something. Or she captured the essential moment of life through a girl walkingin a determined step on the earth.
Aki Toiya painted scenery in Northern Europe based on a collage of the photographs she herself took in order to bring different texture to one canvas. She carried the light she experienced there by delicate touches.
Welcoming audience's free interpretation, Sachiko Muraoka scattered drops of colors over the black canvas, which promoted your own imagination. These drops of colors let you remind of images in your mind; a flickering afterimage of strong light, twinkling stars in the sky, a night view in a city with
thousands of neon lamps.
Miyuki Akiyama chose motifs and patterns from wallpapers or ceramics, and then reconstructed an inner story with an original structure and fresh colors. You'll find an illusion with her paintings as if you're watching a picture scroll.
When these imagined scenery of these four artists meet your own ones, a new story gets a life to go on with you.
Fearfully barking at something behind the shadow, or sending a message to your company behind the shadow. You'd be challenged by four of them, "How you'd survive in this world with nothing stable?"
Sakiko Wakiya - art writer
"Frog color will come from the western sky"
oil on canvas, 730 x 910 mm