Takashi Homma, M-Los Angeles
Artists :
Hirofumi Isoya
Hideaki Ota
Shougo Kishino
Yoshihiko Satoh
Yasuhiro Suzuki
Takayoshi Tsuchiya
Motohiro Tomii
Takashi Homma
Midori Mitamura
Hiroaki Morita
Today, we are surrounded by overflowing amount of various products. These mass-products seem like an extreme opposite of what we usually call "Art".
However, the production and distribution of these products are the fundamental base of our economy and society, and including their advertisements, they influence us in many ways. Artists are no exception. They too live in and are influenced by the world of mass-products and mass-consumption. From Marcel Duchamp, Andy Worhol to many artists today, artists are often inspired and given hints by products surrounding them. Through having a close look at such works produced by modern artists, this exhibition aim to offer new suggestions and inspirations to our relation with mass-products and also to the way of expressions in art using those products.
It was once said that advertisements are love letters from companies to customers. While the meaning of advertisement is undergoing change in the rapid shift of media environment, it can be said that this exhibition is an answer to the love letters, from the artists who are consumers themselves, to the companies and the society.