Landscapes with a Corpse “Sakai Maki wears Jil Sander"
Gelatine silver print, 1800 x 2175 mm
- 2013
- "Angela Reynolds wears Valentino", Van der Grinten Galerie, Cologne
- 2010
- “One Sun”, Von Lintel Gallery, New York
- “One Sun”, Kudlek Van Der Grinten, Cologne
- Galerie Andreas Binder, Munich
- 2009
- BLD Gallery, Tokyo
- Von Lintel Gallery, New York
- 2008
- Galerie Andreas Binder, Munich
- 2007
- “Landscape with A Corpse”, Von Lintel Gallery, New York
- fa projects, London
- “Early Series”, Kudlek Van der Grinten, Cologne
- 2006
- Galerie Andreas Binder “New Works”, Munich
- Kudlek Van der Grinten, Cologne
- Studio la Citta, Verona
- 2005
- Von Lintel Gallery, New York
- fa projects, London
- 2004
- Von Lintel Gallery, New York
- “Landscapes with a corpes, the new series”, Büro für Fotos, Cologne
- 2003
- “Landscapes with a Corpes”, Galerie Andreas Binder “Landscapes with a Corpse”, Munich
- “Landscapes with a Corpes”, Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art Contemporain, Luxembourg
- “Landscapes with a Corpes”, Reali Arte Contemporanea, Brescia
- 2002
- “Landscapes with a Corpes”, fa projects, London
- “Landscapes with a Corpes”,, Miami
- 2001
- “Landscapes with a Corpes”, Büro für Fotos, Cologne
- “Landscapes With A Corpse 1999 – 2000”, Von Lintel & Nusser, New York
- Galerie Andreas Binder, Munich
- 2000
- Galerie Andeas Binder, Munich
- Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin, Paris
- Reali Arte Contemporanea, Brescia
- 1999
- “20 Landscapes with a Corpse”, Hillside Forum, Tokyo
- “20 Landscapes with a Corpse”, Büro für Fotos, Cologne
- 1996
- “Colored Beauty”, Shinjuku Park Tower Gallery 1, Tokyo
- 1995
- “Colored Beauty”, Solaria Plaza 'Zephyr', Fukuoka (Japan)
- 1993
- “Tamao”, Gallery Verita, Tokyo
- Prinz “Tamao,” Kyoto
- 1984
- “Pigmo”, Tokyo Designer's Space, Tokyo
- “Pigmo”, Polaroid Gallery, Tokyo
- “Pigmo”, Pithecanthropus Erectus, Tokyo
- 1980
- “Kouraku no Mori”, Shinjuku Nikon Salon, Tokyo
- 1977
- “It's a Beautiful Day”, Ginza Nikon Salon, Tokyo
- 2012
- “Carpe Diem, Seize the day”, Toyota Muicipal Museum of Art, Toyota, Japan
- 2011
- “No Fashion, Please!”, Kunsthalle Wien, Vienna
- 2010
- “BASARA”, Spiral Hall, Tokyo
- “Rund-Form, Grenze, Körper, Erscheinung, Gesellschaft für Kunst & Gestaltung”, Bonn
- “Brave New World: From the Perspective of Mudam Collection”, Mudam Luxebourg, Luxembourg Musee d’Art Moderne Grand-Duc Jean, Luxembourg
- 2009
- “Ophelia - Desire, Melancholy and Death Wish”, Museum voor Moderne Kunst Arnhem, Arnhem
- “Flower Power project”, Villa Giulia, Verbania
- 2008
- “Wir für Euch”, Kudlek van der Grinten Galerie, Cologne
- “Garten Eden – Der Garten in der Kunst seit 1900”, Städtische Galerie Stadt Bietigheim-Bissingen, Bietigheim-Bissingen
- “Der tödliche Eros oder der erotische Tod”, Museum für Sepulkralkultur, Kassel
- 2007
- “JUBILEE” Galerie Andreas Binder, Munich
- “Garten Eden – Der Garten in der Kunst seit 1900”,Kunsthalle Emden
- “Six feet under”, Deutsches Hygiene-Museum, Dresden
- “Six feet under”, Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern
- “Der Kontrakt des Photographen / The Photographer’s Contract”,Museum Schloss Morsbroich, Leverkusen
- 2006
- “Shining” Galerie Andreas Binder, Munich
- “Berlin-Tokyo/ Tokyo-Berlin. Die Kunst zweier Städte”, Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin, Berlin
- “Erblätterte Identitäten“, Stadthaus Ulm, Ulm
- “Six feet under”, Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern
- “Der Kontrakt des Photographen / The Photographer’s Contract”,Akademie der Künste, Berlin (Hanseatenweg) (C)
- “Excess” Angel Row Gallery, Nottingham
- 2005
- “Haben wir den Ozean verloren? Inszenierte Fotografie”, Städtische Galerie, Gladbeck
- “Selcted_View”, Galerie Andreas Binder, Munich
- “Things Fall Apart” Monique Meloche Gallery, Chicago
- “Characters, Scene I and II” Silvermine Guild Arts Center, New Canaan
- 2004
- “True Fictions” Stadtmuseum Hofheim am Taunus, Hofheim am Taunus
- “Mirror, mirror, Reflections On Beauty” Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
- “Mirror, mirror, Reflections On Beauty” National Museum of Australia, Canberra
- “The Amazing & The Immutable” University of South Florida, Tampa
- 2003
- “Images Against War" Galerie Lichtblick, Cologne
- “Mon Paris” Galerie 21, Tokyo
- “True Fictions” Stadt Galerie Saarbrücken
- “True Fictions” Städtische Galerie Erlangen, Erlangen
- 2002
- “Rapture: Art's Seduction by Fashion 1970-2001” Barbican Centre, London
- “Shoe” City Gallery National Touring Exhibition, England and Scotland
- “History of Modern Photos II” Osaka Nikon Salon, Osaka
- “The World of Polaroid Photography - Beyond Time” Nipppon Polaroid Kabushiki Kaisha, Tokyo
- “Ten Years Phase 1” Galerie Andreas Binder, Munich
- “Constructed Realities” Grand Rapids Art Museum, Kansas City
- “The morning after” Galerie Cokkie Snoei, Amsterdam / Rotterdam
- “Formen der Gewalt” Galerie Gabriele Rivet, Cologne
- “der Berg” Galerie Friedrich & Ungar, Munich
- “Fashion and Body” Gallery Anne Mörchen, Hamburg
- 2001
- “Uncommon Threads: Contemporary Artists and Clothing”Cornell University, Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, Ithaca
- “History of Modern Photos II” Shinjuku Nikon Salon, Tokyo
- “Tokyo Pop” Kansas City Jewish Museum, Kansas City
- “SURFACE - contemporary photography and video from Japan”nederlands foto instituut, Rotterdam
- 2000
- “Is photography at an end? Recent Photo and Media Art” Staatliche Galerie Moritzburg, Halle
- “Bill Owens, Tracey Moffatt, Chris Verene, Izima Kaoru” Rebecca Camhi Gallery, Athens
- “Köper, Hüllen, Oberflächen” Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Hamburg
- “And She Will Have Your Eyes… “ Analix Forever, Geneva
- 1999
- “Tokyo Shock” Büro für Fotos, Cologne
- 1991
- “High-tech Plants” Gallery Artium, Fukuoka, Japan
- 1990
- “High-tech Plants” Hankyu Department Store, Osaka
- 1987
- “Hara Annual” Hara Museum, Tokyo
- “X-Rated” Neikrug Gallery, New York
- 1986
- “Foto' 86 Amsterdam”, Amsterdam
- Musée des beaux-arts de Montréal, Museum Grand-Duc Jean in Luxemburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Huston Museum of Fine Arts, Collection Alison and Peter W. Klein, International Corporate Art Burger Collection, Zabludowicz Collection, Botland Collection, AmsterdsmNL, Wilhelm Schürmann's Collection, Peter Klein's Collection, Fine Art International, Guernsey Deutsche Bank AG, Garry and Warren Smith Group Toyota Municipal Museum of Art
- 2004
- Paris Photo, Paris
- 1999
- Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial
Landscapes with a Corpse “UA wears Toga”
Gelatine silver print, 1800 x 2400mm
One Sun_Nanyuki_Kenya_1200mm
One Sun_Nordkapp_Norway_02_1200mm
Landscapes with a Corpse “Tominaga Ai Wears Prada”
1800 x 2400 mm